Chapter 17

Holding his breath, Hank waited to see if Elazar would do anything else. Their gazes met, and Hank leaned forward, just a little. Elazar angled his head, the air around them grew electric.

Then there was a bang, and the Christmas tree bounced on the floor. Smokey jumped from the fallen tree to the map table where he walked across the surface. Glaring at Hank, he then jumped down on the floor again and headed for Steel.

Steel got to his feet, patted the ugly creature for a few seconds, and turned back to Hank. “Get some sleep. I’ll check the sails and the steam.”

Hank watched him as he exited the cabin. His wooden leg and high-heeled boot crossed the room with far more grace than Hank could ever work up to. Smokey soundlessly followed him, leaving Hank alone with the smell of pine, the taste of chocolate, and a burning longing in his body.Chocolate, Rum and Northern Lights