Chapter 44

Philip said, “And I was so exhausted from having to do all the work that I was out cold the minute my head hit that cot.”

Richard and Bruce left thirty minutes later, and I settled back on the pillow and closed my eyes while Philip dozed on his cot. We were awakened when the night shift came by to check on me just after eleven, and had just begun the countdown waiting until we thought it was safe to have sex when the door opened and John came in, followed by another guy who was about John’s height but had a very light olive Mediterranean complexion. He had short and slightly curly black hair.

“Hi, John,” I said. “Let me guess—this must be Joe.”

“Too right,” he said. “Guys, this is my partner, Joe Cacci.”

We introduced ourselves to Joe as he came over to shake our hands.

John said, “Joe is still having a hard time believing that this is real. I think at some level he thinks you guys are looking for a couple of sex slaves or something.”