Chapter 97

Steve noticed all of this and said, “Just how big is this place, Uncle Philip?” I noted that he’d developed a nice baritone voice since I’d last seen him.

“In terms of square footage, I have no idea. Suffice it to say that it’s more than large enough for all of our needs. There are several bedrooms in the east wing. Charles’ grandmother has the original master suite in the west wing to herself, and there are two or three spare rooms in that area as well.”

Charles opened the door to the nursery, and we slipped quietly inside. As it turned out, there was no need to be quiet, as Grace was in the middle of changing Mark, and Steven started clamoring for attention as we opened the door.

“Perfect timing,” I said as we entered the room. “Grace, this is my sister Marie and my nephew Steve. They’re here for the Christening and arrived a bit earlier than expected.”