“I imagine you guys are kind of jet-lagged,” Marco said.
“Yeah,” William said. “A short nap would be good.”
“May I make a suggestion?” Marco said.
“Why don’t we pay a visit to the baths downstairs? You can have a nice soak in the calidarium, perhaps even a full body massage, followed by a shower. After that, I guarantee you’ll sleep like a baby.”
“Sounds good to me,” William said. “Guys?” Heads were nodding.
“I have one question,” Tom said.
“When can I gain access to the organ?”
“The large hall is being used for rehearsals right now, but starting at two this afternoon, it’s yours for the rest of the day and most of the next three days. I have a schedule for you.”
“Good, then I think a soak is in order.”
“You have been briefed on the nature of the baths, I trust?”
“Yeah,” Noah said. “Roman style. Men and women naked together.”