Chapter 44

“He’s extraordinarily protective of him. When Jerry and I were setting up production for In the Dark of the Night, Mr. Vincent literally threatened us with hell and damnation if we put any kind of moves on Spike. This in spite of the fact that we’re both too old for him and we’re both straight.”

“Mark would say age and sexuality don’t matter.”

“I wish I could have persuaded him to sign a contract. He would have been perfect for a part in the political thriller we wrapped up a few months ago.” He paused at the door to the screening room. “I understand you’re a writer.”

“I am, although I have to wonder how you’re aware of that.” This was the first time Conroy and I had ever had an in-depth conversation. “I write under a pseudonym.”

“Would you mind telling me what it is?”

“Challenger Deep.”

His jaw dropped, and he stared at me. “You’re Challenger Deep?”


“You wrote Mind Fuck?”

How had this information gotten out? “Yes.”