
Chapter 7

“Guys,” I said, “lunch will be brought up here shortly, and none too soon, because someone’s stomach was rumbling earlier. Steve, is there anything you need before Philip and I go downstairs to eat?”

“Yes, Uncle Charles, there is,” he said. “I need to pee.”

“Hold on for just a minute,” Philip said, and he went into the bathroom. He returned a minute later with a urinal. “I bought this last year when Charles was laid up in this room with his leg in a cast.”

“I can get up if you guys will help me.”

“Maybe next time. Right now you need to rest, and this will be a lot easier for you.” He lifted one corner of the covers and inserted Steve’s penis into the device. “Now, let’s hear water running.”

Nothing happened for a bit, so I said, “It’s not as easy as you think it is to pee lying down. I had a hard time using one of those things when I was in the hospital.” Finally, we heard the unmistakable sounds of water flowing.

Philip looked at me and said, “Babe, go get me a hand towel.”