
Chapter 15

When we arrived at the school, I drove slowly along the street that made a large circuit of the campus. At about the halfway mark, we heard a bell ring and the area between the buildings was suddenly filled with boys of all ages, all of them dressed uniformly in dark-blue blazers and khaki pants.

“Wow,” Jeff said, “they look pretty cool.”

“Yeah, they look pretty much like the guys back home, except they’re dressed better,” Rob said

Thank you, guys, I thought, for bolstering the argument in favor of uniforms. Then I said, “So, Steve, what do you think?”

“I hate to admit it, Uncle Philip, but I guess I’m impressed.”

“And well you should be. Those boys’ parents pay a lot of money to have them in this school, and the boys get a superb education in return. By the time they’re seniors, they’ll have the best colleges in the country begging them to enroll.”