
Chapter 17

“No thanks, I’m okay for now,” he said.

“Then run along and have a good time.”

He left the office and closed the door behind him, and I got back to work. I’d just gotten into the story when Grace knocked on the door. She was taking off for the weekend and handed me the wireless monitor so I could listen out for the babies. I wished her a pleasant weekend, clipped the wireless device to my belt, and resumed my writing. I was still at it when Charles came home. He entered the room so quietly that I didn’t know he was there until his arms slipped around me from behind.

“You’re hard at it,” he said.

“I’ve had a very good day in a lot of ways.”

“Tell me about it?”

“Let’s go to the bedroom and get naked first,” I said as I saved, then closed the document I was working with.