“This involves the incident at the Mall of Georgia,” I said. “Remember? You interviewed Deputy Briggs for me.”
“Steve and Roger are being harassed by deputies every time they go into Gwinnett County, and I want you to document it for us.”
He nodded, and I continued, “The boys will give you their schedule for visits to customers in that county, and every time they get in their truck to head that way, I want someone discreetly following them. I want to document the fact that they’re being followed and occasionally stopped and harassed, and I want them wired for audio and video. If you can’t get the names of the officers on film, at the very least I want to be able to identify them and their county vehicles. Plus anything else you can think of that might help.”
“You’ve got it, Charley,” Richard said.
“I just had a great idea,” I said.
“Are you going to keep it a secret?” Richard said.
“Let me run it by you,” I said, and did so.
“I like it,” Richard said.