“Hi, Grace,” Philip said. “Meet George and Mike. They’re Robbie’s dads.”
We shook hands with the nanny and stood for a while watching the kids at play. Robbie was so engrossed with what he was doing that he didn’t seem to notice our presence. I walked down to the table and saw that it was an elaborate setup of what I recognized as Thomas the Tank Engine, complete with wooden tracks and a host of trackside buildings and accessories.
“Mark and Steven are a bit too young for Lionel,” Charles said, walking up behind us, “so we went with Thomas instead.”
“Robbie is starting to yawn,” I said. “I think it’s nap time.”
“Yeah,” Philip said, “it’s that time of day for our tribe as well.”
We led a somewhat reluctant Robbie downstairs and to his bed. He snuggled down with Andy, and I said, “You can play with Mark and Steven again after you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” he said.
“We’ll be downstairs in the room where you met Lance,” I said.