Chapter 11

Was Nuri out to everyone? How was his homosexuality judged in what Eddy had

always thought was a very macho community? He wondered how light hearted Accent

and Stubble’s mocking really was. Lifting the glass of spirit, he took a gulp,

then winced. It wasn’t unpleasant by any means, but the shock of cold aniseed

flavour caught him unawares.


put a hand over his on the table. It seemed to be a favourite gesture of his,

and Eddy wasn’t complaining. “I will kill you both,” he said softly, obviously

talking to his brothers, although his eyes were soft and focussed on Eddy.

“Slowly, and with a sharpened skewer. You embarrass my friend, and I will kill



other men didn’t seem to take this as a serious threat. Stubble laughed, tossed

back his drink, and stood. “I’ll leave you the bottle. Nuri, what you do and

who you do it with is your own business. But if you bring a man into our

restaurant and mooch over him all night like that, you must expect our—”