Chapter 17

“You were lucky,” he said. “My cookie said I will have a comfortable old age.”


roared his amusement even louder. “They say the Chinese know these things.”


Well the Chinese can have the comfortable old age for themselves. I’m hoping

for fame and riches.”


have to try another fortune cookie.”


would if you hadn’t eaten them all!”


fame tasted good. The riches were rather bitter.”


bloody ha!”


noticed Lee was following their banter closely, his head tilted to one side,

his expression speculative. “So you two are seeing each other? Like,



have A Twist and Two Balls, please,” Eddy said. He anticipated the onset of

another batch of Lee’s winking. “Seeing as Patrick got the inspiration from



us,” Nuri murmured at his ear.


like you can distract me that easily,” Lee said. He leaned back from the

counter and folded his arms.
