had brought two of her three children, including the mischievous Jamal, whom
Eddy had also met at the restaurant. As Eddy picked almost guiltily at the
deliciously spiced meats on his plate, Jamal pulled at his sleeve. He’d sidled
into the kitchen under cover of the adults’ arms and made his way straight to
Eddy,” he whispered. “You’re in Baba Anne’s kitchen!”
a cousin called over helpfully, on his way out of the room. “We all call her
smiled at Jamal. He liked the sound of his proper name in the child’s breathy,
excited voice. “The final frontier, eh?” he whispered back.
Jamal couldn’t keep up the discretion. He whooped at Eddy’s Captain Kirk voice.
“To boldly go!” he yelped.
winced at the split infinitive, but appreciated the passion. “Where no man has
gone before,” he completed, and high-fived Jamal.
them all, do them all!” the boy squealed.