Chapter 28

He supposed it wouldn’t look too good on their page in Spotlight


the first one to earn a degree. My mother was very proud. I wish my father

could have known of it, but maybe he wouldn’t have found it impressive.” He

dismissed Eddy’s protest with a gentle wave of his hand. “It doesn’t matter.

But after I graduated, I couldn’t find a training contract. I should have

applied earlier, during my degree course. Maybe I never believed I’d actually

pass.” He laughed softly. “And by then, the family needed me to be earning. My

two older brothers were starting their own restaurant, settling down to have

families of their own.” He sounded both sad and fierce. “I needed to have a

job, and one that fit in with everyone else. There was no chance for quiet

study with a houseful of children, and the long hours of training would have

taken me away from my duties.”


training contract would still pay you, though?”
