Chapter 35


nodded, his face still set. “You do that.”


pair of them stood. Handshakes were obviously not in order. “Facts have to be

faced, Patrick. You must be realistic.” Bryan knew he was talking sense, but

didn’t know why he felt so bloody mean about it. “I’m on your side, believe



took one last glance at Lee behind the counter. A couple of tourists had

entered the shop and were giggling over the ice cream names, but Lee found time

to lift his head and catch Bryan’s gaze. There was a plea in his expression

that touched Bryan beyond anything Patrick had said.


noisily shoved his chair back under the table, breaking the moment. Bryan hid

an embarrassed goodbye behind a pretend cough and left the shop.SLAP AND TICKLE – 2

OutsideWith A Kick, the wind suddenly

lifted with a fierce gust. Bryan paused in the doorway, waiting for it to pass.

The pavement glittered with rain from earlier in the day, and clumps of litter