Chapter 50

He was obviously pleased as punch that they’d split at all.


thought he was a tosser?”


bit his lower lip, then quickly gave up any shred of discretion. “I saw the way

he looked at you, Bryan, all smug and up his own arse. All that shit about Mykonottinnos,

whatever it was called. And living in Chiswick? He must have robbed a bank or

be fucking the manager to afford that. Just bragging. And, you know, even while

he had his fingers playing piano on that twink’s arse seam, he was eyeing up

everything else that passed, like he’d jump ’em at a moment’s say-so.”


he do that to you?” Bryan was suddenly, inexplicably furious. Not, amazingly,

at Dan’s shitty behaviour or even the inference from Phiz’s comments that Bryan

couldn’t choose a decent lover. No, it was the thought that Dan would have

touched Phiz that infuriated him.


shook his head. He fidgeted uncomfortably, like he’d said too much. “Just…you

know. You deserve better.”