Chapter 52

Something relatively safe like that.



didn’t even touch on the outskirts. This was going to be his step out into the

unknown. But when Phiz turned those hot eyes onto him, it felt more like flight

than fall.


off your clothes,” he said. “That will make it fair.”


frowned, perhaps not sure whether Bryan was joking, but Bryan kept his

expression steady. Phiz nodded and bent obediently to pull off his socks.

Bryan’s breath hitched in his chest as he watched Phiz’s hands slide up his

legs as he straightened again. Phiz moved with nervousness but a lovely grace.

His lower lip was caught between his teeth as if he were concentrating really

hard. He flipped the top button of his low-slung jeans. The worn zip only

needed a tug to make it slide fully open. Phiz gave a wriggle, his jeans

dropped to his ankles, and he stepped out of them. He was barefoot, wearing the

shallow black briefs that Bryan had glimpsed the evening before. His legs were