Chapter 60


paused under the awning of a Chinese restaurant, a few doors down the street.

“Well, they’re my friends too.”


fucking look like it to me.”


was shocked by the anger in Phiz’s tone. “This is my job, Phiz. There are often

hard decisions to be made. I have to consider the company's best interests



best interest is to keep selling fabulous ice cream, surely?”


hadn’t realised how much it would hurt, being challenged by Phiz like this. The

man was relentless. “Yes, of course that’s what they want to do. But a business

has to be financed adequately, or both customers and suppliers suffer. They

hired me to advise them, and I’m part of the management team. They bought

goods, Phiz. Do you think they shouldn't pay for them?”


of course...I mean, no I don't.” He swallowed hard, his cheeks sucked in as

Bryan had seen before when Phiz was troubled or confused. “But don’t take that