Chapter 67


Bryan thought his smile might burst his cheeks, and he had to concentrate on

scraping the remains of his ice cream from the bowl in case Lee thought he’d

gone creepy overnight.


had to wait another half hour before Phiz appeared from the private room behind

the counter. Bryan knew that was where Patrick worked on his recipes and kept

his accounts on a rather old laptop. Phiz grinned over at Bryan and lifted a

hand in a half-wave. His hair was tousled as always, and there was a black line

on his chin that might have come from a stray ink marker, but he looked much

healthier than when Bryan had first met him. He’d put on a bit of weight from

cooking meals at Bryan’s. His skin would always be pale and he’d freckle in the

summer, but his grey green eyes were a perfect match, and besides—they sparkled

at the sight of Bryan.


was startled to find himself comparing the two men he’d been close to in his