Chapter 70


mean it? I could study at your place?”


can move in tomorrow,

Bryan wanted to say, but he was scared he’d overstep today’s mark. “Yes, of

course. It’s quiet, I’m out during the day for most of the working week.”


can cook supper for us. You know, like rental. Until I can pay a proper



couldn’t have cared less, but Phiz had his pride. “That’d be good. Of course,

that means you’ll have to do the shopping, too. We can’t live on tortilla from

my fridge remnants.” He waited until Phiz had finished laughing then said

quietly, “I’ve told you what I want from you. What do you want from me?”


from more sex? More spanking? More ice cream?”


was Bryan’s turn to laugh.


laughs,” Phiz said quietly. “You’re great when you let loose.”


watched out of the window for a few moments, running through their conversation

in his mind. Everything was a delicious maelstrom of excitement in his head. “In