Chapter 73

Nuri nodded.

“Shh. Let him speak.”

“I woke in the

night. It was pitch black and I knew without a doubt that everyone in the house

had gone to bed.” As Eddy continued, even the kitchen sounds seemed to have

quietened. “I was very young and I usually slept soundly through until morning,

so I had no idea what had woken me. But as I looked around my room, my eyes

adjusting to the dark, I heard a creak.”

Adem sucked in a


“The door was

sliding open, inch by inch. I lay totally still, wondering who it could be.

What they wanted of me. I was scared, I can tell you. Very scared.”

“He tells a good

story,” Sadi breathed.

Nuri smiled to

himself. The zealous light in his brother’s eyes showed Sadi had invested much

more in this mere story.

“Around the

corner of the door, the edge of a sack appeared. A gloved hand clutched the

bottom of it. It looked very heavy. Another couple of seconds and I’d see the