Chapter 76

Nuri pushed down

the covers so he could move more easily. The whole room felt warmer by now.

Eddy rolled over to reach for supplies in the bedside cabinet. They no longer

used condoms but they’d developed a happily guilty love of lube, trying out

different types and flavours as part of the fun. December was their month of

heated lube, which Nuri remembered thinking was rather appropriate.

He pulled Eddy

back against him, kissing and fondling. Eddy’s cock was fully hard by now,

bumping awkwardly against Nuri’s belly as Eddy arched against him, lubed

fingers working inside his arse to prepare himself. Nuri had no problems with

that kind of awkwardness. In fact, he mischievously refused to give Eddy any

more room to manoeuvre, rubbing his own arousal against Eddy’s thigh. Eddy

protested, laughing, trying to push him back a bit, his fingers already sticky.

Nuri ran his hands under Eddy’s buttocks, petting his hole. Lube trailed

everywhere on their skin.

Nuri finally