Chapter 87

“No. Well, yeah, a few times. Before I met you, you know? Some nice guys there,

really, even if some people don’t think it, and I went with a couple of mates,

one of them was in the lifestyle. The rest of us... yeah, well, just curious I


“You enjoyed


Phiz peered at

him as if expecting a trick question. “Sort of. Like you said before, it’s not

something I want full time. But some of it appealed.” His eyes now glittered

with something more like mischief.

“The spanking.

The domination.”

Phiz chuckled.

“Mr Smacks, we used t’call it.”

“Mr Smacks?”

Phiz tensed up,

as if suddenly aware of what he’d said. “Just a joke,” he said weakly. He toyed

with his lower lip between his teeth.

“It may well

be,” Bryan said softly but firmly. “But it’s also a perfect description, isn’t


Phiz’s pupils

blew wide and he sucked in a breath. “Fuck.”

“Later.” Bryan

sat back down in the chair and swivelled it around so he faced Phiz fully. “For