Richard eyed me critically and said, “Are we in love?”
“Ass over teakettle.”
“I was afraid of that. Does he know? Is it reciprocal? Are the two of you going to set up housekeeping, etcetera?”
“1) He has reason to suspect; 2) I don’t know; and 3) Ditto. It’s much too early to tell. Besides, that’s the least of my worries at the moment.”
“Well, you can give me the unexpurgated version next week. I just hope you aren’t setting yourself up to get hurt.”
“I’m not worried. Even if it goes nowhere and is over tomorrow, it will have served a purpose in that I have, how did you put it last night? ‘Returned to the land of the living.’”
“Just so you know what you’re about.” He started to say something else but stopped as we heard Philip coming down the hall.
“This is the key to the deadbolt and the door,” Philip said, handing a brass key to Richard, “and I’ve written down the code for the alarm system—the pad is just inside the entrance.”