
Chapter 24

He finished shaving, washed the dregs of lather from his face, and resumed the count. “5) In case you didn’t notice anything else about him, you must have noticed that he was practically salivating at the sight of our naked bodies.”

“I was too busy covering up my own naked body to pay much attention.”

“Well, I noticed the signals loud and clear, which leads me to conclude that, 6) It would seem that Lydia has decided that it’s her turn to play Yenta. My guess is that Harry is a sacrificial lamb enticed down here to seduce me.” He pulled me off the counter and kissed me. “They’re forty-eight hours too late, so Harry will have to learn to live with disappointment—not that he would have been successful.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

“Better men than he have tried and failed. You can’t imagine the number and variety of eligible studs that well-meaning friends have thrown at me over the past three years. None of them had what it took.”

“And what, pray tell, was that?”