I locked them in my desk drawer, then called Rosemary in and gave her a few instructions, and we were ready. When Rosemary left, I closed the door and turned to Philip, who was standing beside me. I hugged him quickly and kissed him. Then I said, “I won’t be able to do that where we’re going. However, I promise that I’ll get you back out just as fast as humanly possible.”
“I know.”
Atlanta, GACharles
WE WALKED A few blocks to the police station, went up the steps, and waited in line to see the desk sergeant. When it was our turn, I gave the sergeant my card and said, “This is Mr. Philip d’Autremont, my client. It’s our understanding that there is a warrant out for his arrest, and we’re here so that he can surrender.”
The sergeant, obviously recognizing Philip’s name, picked up his telephone and spoke to a higher authority. Then he said, “Wait just a minute, please, and someone will be right out.”