
Chapter 59

William said, “Why didn’t you tell me you knew Boston? I wouldn’t have gone through that dog and pony show had I known.”

Charles gave him a devastating smile—well, it was devastating to me, anyway—and said, “You were so good at it, and seemed to be enjoying it so much, I didn’t have the heart to stop you.”

This both pleased and mollified William, and before he could answer, Luigi came up to the table. Seeing the menus in our hands, he said, “Give me those menus, they are for the tourists. Tonight you dine con la tua famiglia.” He then snatched the menus from our hands without waiting for our consent.

As soon as he was out of sight, I said, “What did he just say?”

“‘Tonight you dine con la tua famiglia,’ literally ‘you dine with your family’.”

“I didn’t know you spoke Italian.”

“I’ve always had an affinity for languages, and I became interested in Italian because I love opera, so I took a couple of years of it in college. Luigi and Mama helped me get rid of my American accent.”