
Chapter 65

Tuesday, Rosemary and I had to work straight through the lunch hour. About one o’clock, we sent out for sandwiches and iced tea, and had only just finished them when Philip and his tax attorney arrived. Randolph Forney turned out to be a dapper little man approaching, as nearly as I could tell, his late fifties. He was impeccably dressed and wore a pair of half glasses, over which he peered when he wasn’t looking through them for the purpose of reading. We spent about an hour at the conference table discussing his probable testimony, with Rosemary taking notes. When we’d finished with our discussion of the case, Rosemary left, and we changed topics.

I said, “Philip seems to think that you can be of assistance in my personal affairs, and as you know, we’re undertaking a joint project.”

“Well, without knowing anything about your situation, it’s somewhat hard to say.”