“I expect you might even have gotten some caught in your teeth.”
“Your Honor, is this really necessary?” the prosecutor said.
I cut him off and addressed the court. “Your Honor, I respectfully request an immediate conference in your chambers with yourself and Mr. Daniels, the prosecutor.”
“For what purpose?”
“If the court pleases, I would like to keep that privileged at the moment.”
“Alright, Mr. Barnett, I trust you have your reasons. Court stands in recess for fifteen minutes.”
The bailiff said, “All rise,” and Chauncey and I followed the judge back to his Chambers.
When we were settled down around his desk, Judge Brown looked at me. “Mr. Barnett, I hope you have a good reason for this.”
“I do, Your Honor. I also have a request before we begin.”
“And that would be?”
“Simply that what I am about to reveal to you will not be made public, and if I’m successful in what I am about to do, that it be kept off the record.”