
Chapter 75

“As you know, none of our numerous witnesses claim to have seen her after the weekend of the murder.”

“We know.”

“Late this afternoon, one of my grunts talked to somebody who just might have seen her a week or two after the murder. I’m really short on particulars at the moment, but I’ve got three people working on it. Maybe by the time you two get back from Beantown, there’ll be more to tell.”

“That’s the first encouraging thing we’ve heard in two months,” Charles said. “Keep on it.”

“You betcha.”

I decided to switch topics and said, “How are you and Bruce getting along these days?” I knew they’d been seeing a great deal of each other.

“Hard to say. He’s getting awfully possessive.”

“You don’t seem to mind too much,” Charles said.

“I don’t know. It must be the over-thirty syndrome at work.”