I had a few more questions for Randolph to wrap up his testimony. “Mr. Forney, to sum up your testimony for the court, is it fair to say that Mr. and Mrs. d’Autremont were both happy with their somewhat unusual arrangement?”
“Oh my, yes. Very much so. We discussed it frequently over the years.”
“And Mr. d’Autremont will neither profit from nor lose by his wife’s death?”
“Well, he certainly won’t profit from it. On the other hand, he lost his posterity, didn’t he?”
“You are referring to his wife’s pregnancy?”
“Yes, of course. The man has, by his own effort, built a sizeable estate. Now, of course, he lacks an heir to leave it to.”
“Thank you, Mr. Forney, you have been most helpful.”
Randolph’s testimony had taken nearly two hours, and the judge decreed a lunch recess until one o’clock.