
Chapter 100

As she was replacing her handkerchief in her purse in preparation for leaving the stand, Mrs. Treadwell looked at me and said, “What will happen to me now?”

“I honestly can’t say. I expect you will be charged with perjury. Perhaps the prosecutor will go easy on you if you cooperate with the authorities, who will doubtless be charging Mr. Foible and his associate with suborning your perjury, but I really can’t speak for them.”


Atlanta, GAPhilip

WHEN SHE’D STEPPED down, Charles recalled Sergeant Kellerman, who appeared to be a trifle nervous. Charles had arranged to have Kellerman kept sequestered so that he wouldn’t know what had taken place in court that morning.

Charles began by saying, “Sergeant Kellerman, I just have a couple of questions concerning your report, and you’ll be free to go.”

“Sure, ask away.”