Chapter 10

“I’ll hold you to it.”

“Seen enough?” Tom said.

“You bet I have. Where do I sign? Oops, I guess that’ll have to wait until I can go back to my motel and retrieve my checkbook. Wait a minute. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. Do you guys need references and such? Because if you do, I don’t have many. I went straight from college into the Navy, and the only time I lived off campus during my college days was when I was working on my Master’s.”

“You’ve already been vetted by Quentin,” Tom said, “and I happen to know that he’s a very good judge of character. As a matter of fact, I’m no slouch in that department myself, so we’ll hold it for you on your signature for a couple of days until you can get back to us with checkbook in hand. I have lease documents back at the house.”

“Let’s go, then,” Chris said.

In the car, Quentin said, “Do you have furniture, Chris?”