Chapter 39

“Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“If Chris will respond to anyone, he’ll respond to you, so be there when he wakes up and do your best to help him get himself under control. Otherwise, the situation will eventually be taken out of our hands.”

“Thanks Doc, I’ll do just that.”

“I’m sure you will. Have them page me if you need anything… anything at all.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Mickey walked back to the nurse’s station nearest Chris’ room lost in thought. At the station, he said, “Dr. Cobb told me everything, as well as what I need to do. When will Chris wake up, if you know?”

“As soon as I turn off the drip.”

“The drip?”

“Yes, Sir. We added something to the existing drip, so all I need to do is turn it off. He’ll wake up fairly quickly after that. Are you ready for me to take care of that?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

He followed the nurse to Chris’ room and stood by the bed while she did what she had to do.