“What are your plans now?” Tom said, clearly anxious to change the subject.
“The day after tomorrow, Mickey and I are flying to Norfolk. His condo has already been stripped of personal effects and cleaned. We’re going to do a walk-through with the Realtor, then drive his car to Florida.”
“What about you?” someone said. “When will you be able to go back to work?”
“As soon as I can talk my boss, who also happens to be my doctor, into certifying that I’m fit for duty.”
“Good for you,” Kevin said.
“What time is your flight to Norfolk?” Quentin said.
Mickey told him.
“Don’t even think about calling a cab. I’ll be there in plenty of time to get you to the airport.”
“Thank you, Quentin,” Mickey said.
“It’s the least I can do.”
“THAT WAS A FUN evening,” Chris said when they were on the way home.
“Yes, it was. The first of many, I hope.”
“Did I tell you that while you were out shopping today I made a couple of phone calls?”