“You need to come alone,” the anonymous voice said.
“The client wants his controller, his money man, if you will, to come with me. They want to hold on to their cash until the last minute.”
“You okay with that, Mr. Detective?”
“With that much cash involved, I’d rather not be responsible for it, so, yes.”
“Describe him to me.”
“Take a look at their website. His name is Paul Johns, and his picture is there, along with the other officers of the company.”
“Give me a minute.”
“Okay, I’ve got his picture printed out. Is that picture of you on your website current?”
“It was taken just a few months ago.”
“Good. Then follow instructions, and no tricks.”
“There won’t be any tricks. Mr. Morgan is pissed as hell that a man he considered to be a friend stole from him for years. They want what you’ve got to sell, no questions asked.”
“Good. See you in Atlanta.”
I called Paul immediately and told him what was up.