Chapter 71

Jacksonville, FLSaturday morning

NATE AND I WERE up at seven despite our late night, and by eight we’d drafted an e-mail to Mr. Rinker with which we were both satisfied.

“Okay,” I said, “pushing the button now.”

As soon as the message was on its way, I called his cell phone and left a voice message telling him to check his e-mail.

“Are you too tired to swim some laps?” I said.

“Probably, but after all of Grandma’s food, I think we’d better.”

“Let’s go, then.”

We went to the Y, swam a brisk mile of laps, and when we settled down in the steam room, Nate said, “I hate to say it, but that was invigorating.”

“Yeah. I really didn’t think I had it in me to swim at that pace after so little sleep.”

As we headed back down Riverside Avenue, I said, “How about a healthy breakfast?”

“Okay, where?”

“Cool Moose Café. They have great muffins and stuff—of course they have unhealthy stuff also, but somehow I find it easier to resist temptation there than at the Derby House.”