“She won’t be here all day will she?”
“Not at all. Why?” Brody said.
“Because I want you to drive into town tomorrow afternoon and meet me at the credit union?”
“Again, why?”
“Because we need to open a joint bank account, one that we can each put an equal amount of money into.”
“We can use the bank account to pay any joint expenses, such as groceries, utilities, homeowner’s insurance, taxes, etcetera.”
“There’s no need for that,” Brody said.
“Of course there is. As it stands, I’m sponging off of you, and that doesn’t make me feel good. Sometime next year, I’d like to buy a half-interest in the house from you.”
“Why don’t I just put it in both our names?”
“Because I need to know that I actually paid for my half.”
“You are an independent cuss, aren’t you, babe?” Brody said.
“Would you love me if I wasn’t?”
“Brian, I’d love you, no matter what; but I have to admit, the way you are now is best.”