Chapter 9: Just Ask

After that event, I did not know what to think. It's the middle of the school day and I am stressing over my lunch. I am sure the girl went to tell her friends what happened. I really don't want her to try that move again and I really don't want to see her. Finally, I do not want to have to explain a fake attack attempt. Oh my God, I see her.

In a feared voice, "Um Katy?"


"It's her. Hide me."

"Just hide your braid stupid by putting it behind you and tuck it into your shirt."

Now I felt like an idiot. I tried to act normal while she was looking around the cafeteria area. She was also asking people where I could be. Thank God this school is big and no one knows me too well but the dragon dojo. Every time she got closer, my heart started to beat faster. When she left the area, I started to calm down.

"Well, now the whole dojo knows who I am. If she starts asking our dojo, I'm screwed," I said a bit annoyed

"Are you happy being Mr. Popular?" Katy chuckles.

"I don't know Mrs. Popular. How do you feel about it?"

She flips her hair. "I get everyone's attention. All of it for me."

"I wouldn't mind that at all. I don't like it. Not a social guy."

"Yea, I can tell."

I finished my food. I took my drink and downed it. I need to relax.

"Come on Shadow. We got training and once that is done you can go to your dorm. I will even bring some pizza and we can enjoy the night."

"Sounds perfect."

"Today though is going to be a little different."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Come on. Let's go." Katy picked up her stuff and started to walk out. I followed her with my drink and grabbed my stuff.

We went to the park and the sun felt nice for once. We arrived and Katy told me to sit down in front of her.

I asked, "What's this for?"

She responds, "I want to test out one thing and that's if you have magic as well."

"I don't. I'm not as special as you." I smirked at her.

She looks at me firmly but calmly. "Just try it with me."

I agreed and followed her steps. As she led herself to be an example, she told me the steps and how she gets her hand to glow. The first step is to close your eyes. Then she tells me to control my inner thoughts and think about the temple inside me. Where is my heart leading me? And try to imagine energy going into your body in a single place. To store itself and be able to bring it out when ready. I tried to do the steps. I closed my eyes, thought about the energy within me. Crossed my leg to let my arms rest on them and imagined a ball that would form right about my hand. I tried it but it didn't seem to work. Katy might've seen something different as her face looked nothing but surprised.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing I just… I know this was short but I just want to go back home." She sounded off.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, just please."

"Sure we can hang out at my place."

"Yes please."

We went back and I opened the door for her to come in. She sat down on the couch and told me to sit next to her, which I did. She began to hug me. I knew something was wrong.

I sighed, "Something is on your mind, I know it."

Katy went and took a deep breath and began her speech, "I've heard a lot of things about you Shadow. Some of which, no one in this University should know but as long as you stay next to me, I can keep you protected."

I didn't know what to say, "Sure that's fine but what's wrong?"

She was afraid, 'I don't know how to tell you this."

"You can tell me anything. I'll wait." Silence grew as I waited. No one talked for a while.

Then she said it clearly to me, "Look, dummy. I like you okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

I pulled back, "Wait whaaaat? Like… you like like me?"

"I love you and I want to be with you."

My heart skipped a beat and I am sure Katy can feel my heart starting to beat out of my chest now. I wasn't expecting this. She was the one to train me and take me under her wing. Like a mother that I never had. A man always wants to designate himself for something in his life and that can be as small as protecting the most precious things he owns.

"I love you too."

She looked up at me, looking all worried, and I looked at her. All we did was hug all night and let the seconds go by. I didn't want much. Though it's strange to know I took the heart of one of the most important girls in this school. Actually, The most important girl in this entire world. She is a Rose. After she told me her confusion, she became a lot… softer towards me. She began to tell me everything about her day and how she felt. When she felt like crying, she would come to me to hug and cry on my shoulder. When the day was too harsh for her, I would make her some food to help her relax. I would always try to be there for her when she felt down. It was the least I can do for her since she is doing her best to protect me in some way. I wish I took the responsibility in defending her and not the other way around but I guess life's got its own surprises. It is what it is.

She wanted to stay close to me tonight so I arranged a spare pillow and blanket. I had to sleep on the couch while she takes the bed. I liked the idea because I started to feel worried about her safety. We started to be together more and go on more dates. But whenever we went to the dojo it seemed a bit off. Every time we went, Katy had to be taken more often for secret talks with her father and I couldn't come with her. I don't know what is going on but it worries me all the time. All she would tell me is that it's fine. I wish I knew what was going on. Though I couldn't complain. Didn't want to be too forceful. Don't want to bring up the stress. Though I fear the worst may come.