It felt good,
working with real ingredients again. The hotel kitchen was spacious and beautifully
clean, and as long as Patrick didn’t mind working outside of the main opening
hours, he had the full run of the place. Riley had even suggested they may be
able to negotiate a supply deal with the hotel when the shop was fully
operational again.
Patrick paused
late on a Friday afternoon, scrubbing out one of his deep mixing bowls, and
realised he felt hopeful for maybe the first time since the explosion. They
could do this, couldn’t they? We can start up afresh, rebuild the turnover,
discover new, witty and delicious combinations of ice cream and alcohol—and
there his thoughts stuttered to a halt. We. That was how he thought of
the business, without any conscious deliberation—him and Lee working together.
Lee had thanked him for being included in plans for the business, but that was
instinctive for Patrick.
After clearing