“Are you… do you
regret last night?”
“God, no!” Patrick
let the words burst out without thinking first, but Lee looked pleased.
“Well then. We
can work everything else out.” Lee sounded very confident. Patrick wondered
when they’d swapped roles? But before he could let that worry him as well, Lee
put his arms around him, and lifted his face as if for a kiss.
A loud knock at
the door interrupted them.
Patrick pulled
away so sharply that Lee blinked in surprise. “It could be a customer,” Patrick
said, but the excuse sounded weak. Why had he leaped back like that?
“Obviously one
who can’t read the Closed sign.” Lee stepped backwards, away from Patrick’s
arms. “You open up. I’ll draw the blinds.”
A tall,
broad-shouldered man was at the door. Patrick scrabbled through his memory
until he brought the visitor’s name back to mind. Karel
“Good morning,”
Karel said with a wide smile. “Am I too early? You said to drop round today.”