“Who were they addressed to?” Paul said.
“There was no name on the envelope, just our street address,” Randy said.
“We do know that they were sent from two different places,” I said, “one in Chicago, and the other in Los Angeles. Whoever did it paid cash.”
“So,” Sean said, “what does this mean?”
“Our best guess is that somebody wants something from one of us. Who and what remains to be seen. There’s been no contact,” I said.
“Yeah,” Randy said, “the pictures imply the possibility of blackmail, we just don’t know who or what they’re after.”
“You work with top-secret stuff at the Pentagon, Dad,” Paul said, “so it could be you.”
“Do you still work for that clandestine agency, Dad?” Sean said.
They’d learned about that when the pool was built, there having been no way to conceal the construction of the safe room from them. “Yes,” I said, “and the only four people in the world who know about that are in this room right now.”