Chapter 33

“Hush, Thor,” I said. “These are our new friends.”

“I like Irish Setters,” one of the kids said.

As I led them up the steps to the deck, I heard Mike say from the rear, “Kid, did you know that your ass is hanging out of those shorts, and it’s got a nasty-looking scratch on it?”

“Yes, Sir. I had a close encounter with a barbed-wire fence.”

When we reached the front door, Robbie was staring wide-eyed at us. The minute we were inside, I said, “Robbie, go up to the loft and get my tape recorder and a couple of blank tapes. Then go get some fresh batteries out of the kitchen drawer and put everything on the kitchen table, okay?”

“Yes, Sir,” he said, and he scampered off in the direction of the stairs.

I raised my voice and added, “When you let Thor back in, have a towel ready to rub him down. He’s covered in snow.”

“Yes, Sir,” he said.

“The shower is this way, guys,” I said.

“This looks like our cabin,” one of the kids said.