Chapter 35

“I’m Robbie,” a little voice said.

“I just told them that, kiddo,” I said.

“Hi, Robbie,” Sean said. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Paul said.

“While that soup cools, and before I take some statements from you,” I said, “isn’t there someone you need to call?”

I set the kitchen phone on the table, pushed the speaker button, and said, “What number shall I call first?”

“Only one number to call,” Sean said. “Our dads are a couple, and they’ll be together.”

“That’s not for publication,” Paul said. “Uncle Ian teaches at Georgetown, and those Jesuits aren’t too fond of gay men. My dad is a lieutenant colonel at the Pentagon, and he’s at even greater risk, DADT notwithstanding.”

“DADT?” Mike said.

“Don’t ask, don’t tell,” I said.

“Oh, I should have figured that out,” he said. “I don’t pay much attention to the news, but didn’t they just repeal that?”