Chapter 43

We went down to their car and helped them carry things to the guest rooms. When I saw their laptops, I said, “Before you get too settled, let’s go up to the loft and get you into our cable modem network. I’m not sure how strong the signal is down here.”

“Speaking of laptops,” Sean said, “ours were in our bags on the train.”

“Not anymore,” Ian said. “Rupert’s people recovered them, and your cell phones, when the train stopped in Philadelphia.”

“Good,” Sean said.

Internet access taken care of, we said good night to our guests. “Guys,” I said, “we were up at five and on the road by six, so it’s time for Mike and me to hit the sack. We set the alarm when we were downstairs, but because of Thor, the motion detectors in the house are disabled. Help yourselves to anything you need.”

“And, “ Mike said, “if the line for the downstairs bathroom gets too long in the morning, feel free to use the master bath up here. Sean and Paul know where it is.”