Chapter 50

“Cute, smart, and talented,” George said.


“Yeah. Apparently he’s a musical prodigy.”

“Is he taking lessons?”

“Yes, he is,” George said. “Piano and organ. Tom Foster is teaching him piano and organ.”

“Is he a good teacher?”

“The best,” George said. “Dr. Foster is a professor at the University of North Florida, as well as the organist and choirmaster of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Jacksonville. He also travels a lot, giving concerts here and there. And, he’s also family, and a friend of ours.”

“You mean he’s gay?”

“Yes,” George said. “His partner Noah Webster is a bass/baritone and was among the finalists in… I think it was last year’s Metropolitan Opera auditions. He’s gonna have a stellar career.”

“Tom Foster. Hmm. I wonder why that name is familiar?”

“He performed at the National Cathedral a couple of years ago, maybe longer,” George said. “Does that help? I think he’s also performed at St. Paul’s in DC.”