“I just love success stories,” Mike said.
“Babe, that’s a bit premature, isn’t it?” George said.
“I don’t think so. Didn’t you see how those two were looking at each other during dinner?”
“Well, now that you mention it…,” George said.
“I wish we could give Jared a day off tomorrow,” I said.
“Perhaps we can,” George said.
“How?” Mike said.
“Why don’t we let our guests go run on the beach tomorrow?” George said. “If they can shower and change at Pete’s apartment, we can pick them up and go somewhere.”
“Yeah, we haven’t taken Robbie down to St. Augustine for a while, and you know how he loves to visit the old fort.”
“You guys wanta watch a movie?” George said. “There’s two or three over there by the DVD player.”
“Yeah,” Mike said, “we’ve gotta go upstairs and get Robbie ready for bed. He’s more than capable of taking care of himself, but he loves it if we sit in the bathroom while he plays in the tub.”