“What’s this?” Noah said.
“The third smallest three-bedroom house in the neighborhood,” Tom said, “and it’s mine. Come inside and let me show you.”
They exited the car, and Tom unlocked the front door and ushered his guest inside.
“Oh my God,” Noah said, “it looks like my mother lives here—it’s so clean and neat.”
He chuckled at that and said, “I’m not exactly a neat freak, but I do like to keep things tidy. Let me give you the nickel tour.”
They walked through the house and wound up standing in the living room.
“Well,” Tom said, “what do you think?”
“About what?” Noah said.
“The large bedroom is mine, the tiny bedroom is my music studio, and the other bedroom is available.”
“For rent. How much are you paying now?”
“Three hundred a month, plus half of the utilities.”
“You can move into the empty bedroom tomorrow for one-fifty a month, plus half of the utilities,” Tom said.
“You’re kidding.”