“Everything’s ready for you, Mr. Foster,” the man said, handing Tom a small key. “You’ve got as much time as you need.”
“Presets still set the way they were last time I was here?”
“Yes, Sir. Nobody has used the organ since then.”
“Thanks,” Tom said. “Come on, page turner, let’s get to work.”
He led Noah down a hallway and through a door, and they were suddenly on the stage of Jacoby Hall. “Ever been here before?” Tom said.
“Never. I went to a Broadway musical once, in the big auditorium at the other end of the building, but I’ve never been inside this place.”
He looked around, but there were only a couple of lights burning overhead, and they were spotlights that were tightly focused on the organ console, bathing it in a circle of light. The rest of the room was totally dark, and the only visible lights came from the exit signs over various doors. He could just make out the front row of seats, and that was it.