“That we are, what with the Bach Festival and everything else.”
“Wait a minute,” Noah said. “How long have you known about this?”
“A couple of days.”
“And you didn’t tell me about it because?”
“I was waiting to surprise you.”
“Oh,” Noah said, incipient ire deflated.
“I’d love to hear Noah sing in person,” Noah’s aunt said.
“Come to church on Sunday,” Tom said. “Noah’s singing a duet with our lead soprano, and he has two or three solo passages in the Communion anthem.”
“We’ll be there,” she said.
It was nearly midnight when they got home—and well past it before they were asleep.
THEY WORKED HARD every day. Tom put Noah through his paces for a couple of hours in the mornings, then went to the church and practiced for an hour or two while Noah studied. Noah had a late lunch ready for him when he got home, after which they spent most of the afternoon working on Noah’s performance. Some evenings, Tom returned to the church for more practice.